Rise My Elementals!

Chapter 117 - Witnessing A Fight Between Powerful Figures

Chapter 117 Witnessing a fight between powerful figures

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar Checker: M_W Nomral

At this moment, along the walls, the soldiers of the Silver city had already taken out their bow and crossbow, and the Mages had also already prepared themselves for any sort of situation.

The Sword and Magic and the Snow Noble Household accusation might sound unreasonable, but since those accusations came from a powerful and respected organization and also from one of the pillars of the Silver Kingdom, hence this accusation obviously needs to be taken seriously.

So, all the soldiers stationed within the wall didn\'t hesitate to start preparing themselves.

"HAHAHA! So the assassin from before that was obviously a member of the Smiling Lion is currently using a borrowed sword of the Sword and Magic and the Snow Noble Household! Is this one of your setups? Do you plan on using someone else\'s sword to attack us? Why don\'t you just reveal yourself, instead of just hiding behind powerful people\'s shadows like what your people always do?!" Caynis suddenly said, feeling hysterical.

Since the Black organization\'s identity was obviously going to be revealed eventually, then Caynis decided that he might as well just reveal it before the 3 powerful people come any closer and restrict his and the other member\'s many possible movements. And since he was already in it, might as well dragged that assassin from the Smiling Lion organization, too.

As to how Caynis had known, it was pretty simple. The Smiling Lion organization is already making its moves throughout the Silver Kingdom, the same as them. He had long suspected it when Richton reported that an assassin had attacked them, but today it just confirmed his assumption.

An assassin, hiding in the dark, using someone else\'s sword. Who else would it be if not the Smiling Lion organization?

The Smiling Lion organization, or otherwise known by its members and a few well-informed people as the Mischievous Lion organization, was also a very famous organization aside from the Black organization. Though their purpose was completely opposite from the latter, since their organization was protectors hiding behind the dark.

However, dragging that assassin would also be much more worth it since the Mischievous Lion organization was also very well hidden. It was even to the point that almost no one knew about their whereabouts.

So, the Black organization would surely learn some information about the Smiling Lion organization the moment the assassin was successfully found out and had revealed information about their organization. Obviously, they would be able to learn such information through their secret connections.

At the side, Leo just berated the desperate 5 Star Mage as "Stupid".

No matter what desperate things that 5 Star Mage does, only death awaits in his path. He wasn\'t afraid of being accused back of being a member of the Mischievous Lion organization. They don\'t even know the real name of the organization. Hence searching for him wouldn\'t result in any desiring result.

Moreover, he also had the Mischievous Lion faction token that he got from the Silver Mage Academy Faction Hall, which he could obviously used to hide his identity, that is if ever they found out the token of the Mischievous Lion organization on him.

With that hidden countermeasure in his arsenal, he wasn\'t the least bit worried about his identity being revealed due to the desperate 5 Star Mage accusation.

Evangelion, Jason, and Vismot, along with the soldiers and Mages on the Silver city\'s South Gate wall, didn\'t hesitate anymore as they began the assault.

The people nearby the Black organization\'s men also didn\'t cower behind and panicked. The melee fighter that has a shield within the group was quick to decide to make themselves the barrier that will block the Black organization\'s men from escaping. The range fighter quickly distanced themselves to provide cover.

This simply showed just how much hated the Black organization was for Humans. Any random people don\'t even hesitate to throw their own lives in order to catch this bunch of cancers and scumbags living in the Humans community.

They might die, really, but those people who had been killed by the Black organization, something that can no longer be counted, would be able to rest in peace if ever the Sword and Magic, Snow Noble Household, and the Silver city soldiers and Mages could extract information about the Black organization whereabouts.

If people back on Earth see this scene, then they might feel dubious and think that this was just scripted. But the action of the Humans in this current situation was actually due to not fearing death.

Living in the Celestial World, their lives were always being on the constant threat of death. Since they would die anyway, then they might as well die with honor and a contribution to the rise of the Humans.

It might also sound like the Humans were practically been brainwashed by powerful people within the Humans, but to be honest, this was the result of their desperation and at the same time their selflessness.

If their deaths could contribute to the rise of Humans, then why hesitate, right?

If their death would allow future generations to live in peace, then why hesitate, right?

Anyway, the Celestial World was a world of Magic, and many powerful Mages were currently around the place at this moment, too. So, being injured seriously at this moment wasn\'t a big deal, since they would surely be healed by the Mages after this. That is, if they don\'t die.

They also quickly considered the fact that the Black organization\'s men here would definitely not be able to last that much longer since there were currently 3 powerful figures around and they were greatly outnumbered too, and more people are surely coming here due to the commotion caused by two emergency fireworks released by respectively the Sword and Magic and the Snow Noble Household.

So, the sacrifices of the people nearby were also the result of the assurance and their experience. It couldn\'t even be called a sacrifice since it is not a definite outcome that they will die, hence what they\'re doing is more like bravery.

The Black organization members immediately became very desperate as soon as they saw the direness of the current situation. In fact, aside from feeling desperate, they also felt dumbfounded, since they didn\'t expect that some random people would actually choose to band together to fight against them.

However, they weren\'t a bunch of weaklings either. They were a bunch of people that had survived a Red Zone within any of the wilderness of the Silver Kingdom. Though there were many ways to survive in a wilderness, that still doesn\'t necessarily mean that they are weak for using some tricks. So, they weren\'t afraid of this situation. Moreover, this bunch of people that choose to go against them wasn\'t even that much stronger than 1 Star Magical Beast or even a powerful Magical Beast. So, why should they feel afraid of them?

With the other side beginning the assault, the Black organization\'s men also bravely replied with their own.

Mages of both sides quickly started exchanging Magic spells. Hence, shooting different Elements of Magic spells towards left and right, up and down, here and there, as soon as Mages were done casting.

The soldiers and mercenaries also began clashing with the Black organization\'s melee and ranged fighters.

On the other hand, Evangelion, Jason, and Vismot didn\'t bother about the weak Black organization members. Instead, they went straight towards the 5 Star Mage.

"Oh, I didn\'t expect it to be the perverted, ugly, Caynis..." Jason said as he immediately recognized the 5 Star Mage.

"Likewise, I didn\'t expect it to be the dog of the Snow Noble Household, Jason!" Caynis replied

"Less talk, more action!" Evangelion suddenly interrupted as he soon after casted a Magic spell, "Light Chain! Go and bind such an ugly person to the depths of the earth!"

"Tch! I didn\'t notice that the model dog of the Sword and Magic was actually here too!" Caynis replied as he also quickly casted his own Magic spell, "Soldiers of the Insect Queen, hear my call, with me as the vessel, attack those who had dared disrespect you, release, Insect Nest!"

As soon as Caynis finished his incantation, a hole suddenly appeared on the ground before a bunch of insects came out charging soon after.

The insects quickly surrounded Caynis, hence Evangelion\'s Light Chain spell wasn\'t able to reach him anymore.

"Just a bunch of insects, not a problem!" Vismot said as he swiftly took out two of his sword, "Whirlwind Slash!"

Multiple sword lights from Vismot\'s double sword art swiftly came shooting out towards the bunch of insects, cutting them easily and stopping the spell the moment one of the sword lights hit the core which was specifically the Insect Nest.

With the Insect Nest spell gone, Evangelion\'s Light Chain spell immediately became unhindered. They soon came shooting towards Caynis, obviously wanting to bind the latter.

"Hmph! Shield Hornet, Block!" Caynis quickly casted. A dark-yellow shield with a beehive-like form soon after appeared in front of him, blocking the Light Chain spell from moving anything further.

"I hereby call Magical Beast Sword Mantis!" Caynis quickly followed after.

A Magical Beast Sword Mantis appeared out of thin air.

"Go and engage with that sword-wielding bastard!"

"Kczzzhhhh!" The Sword Mantis roared loudly before it charged violently towards Vismot.

Looking at the currently charging Sword Mantis, Vismot quickly readied himself. A Sword Mantis was a 6 Star Magical Beast, which was the same level as him. Hence he shouldn\'t think of underestimating such a Magical Beast. Though, he was still undoubtedly much more powerful than a mere 6 Star Magical Beast.

"Pay attention, you ugly pervert!" Jason suddenly said. A burning ball with a diameter of over 10 meters suddenly came out falling towards Caynis, "Purgatory Sun! Burn such an ugly pervert to ashes!"

Caynis immediately felt panicked the moment he saw the ball of the Purgatory Sun spell moving quickly straight towards him. He naturally knew about such a Magic spell, it wasn\'t something that can be speed cast and neither was it a simple spell. The Purgatory Sun spell was a powerful Magic spell to the point that it can turn the whole bunch of the Black organization\'s men currently fighting on the ground to ashes.

This also explained why Evangelion and Vismot were engaging Caynis seemingly relentlessly. It was actually to take away Caynis attention from Jason, who was at that time casting the Purgatory Sun spell.

"Tch! Fighting 3vs1 is impossible, let\'s meet again if Fate permits us to meet!" Caynis exclaimed as he quickly put his hand on Richton\'s shoulder and suddenly vanishing out of nowhere.

The reason why Caynis specifically took away Richton was that they can\'t afford to also pull in the Crystal Skull Noble Household in the mess. If ever the Richton died, then surely the 2nd and 1st brother, who were a hater of Black Black organization, would not hesitate anymore to charge towards the Black organization for revenge.

After all, no one from the Crystal Skull Noble Household has yet found out that their 3rd son had actually been pulled in to join the Black organization. If ever they found out about that, the number one among the five major Noble Households would surely come crashing towards their door, obviously wanting to disintegrate the organization\'s existence to nothing.

So, Caynis didn\'t hesitate as he went to specifically save Richton from the current situation.

Jason immediately canceled the Purgatory Sun spell the moment Caynis disappeared. After all, the other Black organization\'s men were still a valuable asset that they can use, so he should spare them in order for them to extract information later on. Also, he would needlessly be causing casualties to those who volunteered to fight the Black organization\'s men if he continued the Purgatory Sun spell.

"Tch! He was still able to escape!" Evangelion can\'t help but said full of displeasure was apparent in his voice.

"Caynis had surely used one of the Black organization\'s Magic tool, Gem of Instantaneous Escape! Such a Magic tool is really impossible to disrupt since it allows its user to instantly teleport to a set location. Unless we knew about that location beforehand or if we have a Magic tool that can lock the space in a certain area, then we would never be able to block its use!" Jason quickly explained.

"Such a sore loser like him was actually a member of the Black organization?" Vismot added as soon as he killed the Sword Mantis that Caynis had sent towards him.

"Now, let\'s..." Evangelion wanted to say something, but he was suddenly interrupted at the sight of the Black organization members disintegrating into mere bubbling purple liquid, "Their members are surely a bunch of merciless people. They don\'t even show mercy to themselves..."

Despite all of those clashes just now, specifically from the start of the clashes of the Black organization\'s men and the soldiers and mercenaries that fight for justice, the fight of Caynis against Evangelion, Jason, and Vismot, and finally the Black organization members disintegrating into mere bubbling purple liquid, only a few minutes had actually elapsed. Something expected already to a battle that involves a lot of people and with such a powerful scale too.

Leo at the side could only gasp in astonishment.. This was his first time witnessing such a powerful battle through his entire 18 years of living in the Celestial World. There is nothing else he could say aside from, "I can\'t wait to be as powerful as them one day!"

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